Summer is upon us! …and so are harsher UV rays.

The warmer days are here: That means car windows down, music up, and SPF ON! Unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause damage to the skin, eyes, and immune system.

This month we are highlighting the combination of safe daytime Vitamin A usage with broad-spectrum sun protection.

It’s important to know that sun exposure degrades any topical Vitamin A product that we put on our skin. It is not an substance that the skin produces naturally, so we must re-apply daily to experience the benefits. Vitamin A is the most normalizing skin vitamin - it addresses skin concerns from aging to acne, hyperpigmentation to pre-cancerous lesions. In order to treat these concerns, you must be diligent about year-round sun protection with Vitamin A usage.

Environ’s Vitamin A Step-Up System Moisturizers are made up of a beautiful combination of Vitamin A, powerful antioxidants and peptides that help restore the skin’s overall appearance, resulting in a more youthful and radiant complexion and a smoother texture. These moisturizers are beneficial for all skin types and conditions! They help to normalize, hydrate, and add essential vitamins deeper into the epidermis.

How to incorporate this into your daytime routine:

  1. Cleanse (Environ Mild Cleansing Lotion)

  2. Tone (Environ Moisturising Toner)

  3. Eye Gel (Environ Eye Gel)

  4. AVST Moisturizer

  5. Sunscreen

We also carry a full line of dermatologist developed, reef-safe, environmentally friendly sunscreen products . There is something for everyone! Mineral and chemical based, tinted and non-tinted, lip protection, and 2-in-1 moisturizer SPF.


May is Melanoma + Skin Cancer Awareness Month